Services & Techniques:

Cox Flexion-Distraction

This is a low force decompression technique designed to increase disc height, relieves irritation of spinal nerves, improves posture, and restores spinal motion without pain.


A gentle low-force technique, the Activator provides a gentle, controlled thrust to the patient. The thrust gently realigns the vertebrae as well as stimulates nerve and muscle function.

Soft tissue release

Our doctors also utilize a soft tissue technique by which they analyze, locate, and treat muscle spasms along the spine. Muscle spasms along the spine will pull against the vertebrae decreasing mobility of surrounding joints. When joint mobility is decreased, there is less feedback to the nervous system from the corresponding joints thereby preventing optimal function of the body as a whole.


These two techniques are both high velocity adjustments performed on subluxations (misalignments of vertebrae.) When the doctor locates the areas of restriction, a thrust is induced into that joint to free the restriction and realign the subluxation.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic is a science, art and philosophy that concerns itself with the relationship between the nervous system and the function (health) of the body.

Doctor's of chiropractic are licensed to practice in all 50 states and have received extensive training in a four year program (after completing three years of pre-med courses), which emphasizes the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system and how the body is affected by abnormal spinal conditions. As in our office, the ethical Chiropractor treats those conditions within their scope of practice and refers patients, when necessary, to other physicians for specialized treatments.

Many research studies have concluded that Chiropractic care is not only effective, but also helps significantly reduce health care costs.

The respected RAND Corporation found that spinal manipulation is an appropriate method for back pain.

A landmark Canadian study commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Health recently concluded that "highly significant" cost savings could be realized from the expanded use of chiropractic care for the treatment of low back pain. It also recommended that Chiropractic care be "fully insured and integrated" in the government health care system.

A study published in the British Medical Journal found that Chiropractic treatment was more effective than hospital out patient management for patients with chronic or severe back pain.

Positive outcome data for chiropractic in treating low back pain has led to the federal Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) to endorse chiropractic manipulation in that area. The efficacy of chiropractic treatment for other conditions is actively being researched. The studies go on...

Chiropractic Neurology

As in medicine and dentistry, there are specialists within the Chiropractic profession, including radiology, orthopedics, physical rehabilitation, and neurology.

The Chiropractic Neurologist chooses to focus his/her practice on neurologically based problems. Typically, a Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in neurology serves in the same consulting manner as a medical neurologist. The difference is that the type of care or applications of a Chiropractic Neurologist do not include drugs or surgery.

As a result, certain conditions are more appropriately seen by Chiropractic Neurologists. Specifically, Chiropractic Neurologists have tremendous success in treating a variety of conditions including movement disorders, dystonia, post-stroke rehabilitation, radiculopathy, and nerve entrapment syndromes that are consequences of lesions in the central or peripheral nervous system.

Chiropractic Neurologists can also serve as counsel when there is a diagnostic dilemma or question of the appropriateness of care regarding a specific lesion or condition.


At Scott Chiropractic, we offer a wide array of physiotherapies. These include Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Mechanical Traction, and Hydrobed therapy. The utilization of these therapies both individually and collectively accelerate the healing time of the patient.

Physiotherapy - Interferential Electro-Therapy

It is a therapeutic treatment to aid in the relief of pain and the promotion of soft tissue healing. Tiny amounts of electrical impulses are induced into the tissues in the vicinity of the injury. Where these waves intersect below the surface of the skin, a low frequency stimulation is created. This prompts the body to secrete endorphins and other natural painkillers to help relieve pain. Most patients fine Interferential Electro-Therapy to be extremely beneficial and descrive the treatment as a faint “pins and needles” sensation. Interferential Electro-Therapy is most often used for pain relief and to aid in reducing the swelling of soft tissues. Ligament sprains, muscle strains and spasms often respond to this treatment, helping to reduce atrophy and increase blood circulation.

Patient Benefits:
Reduces painful symptoms
Decreases local swelling
Promotes muscle tone
Restores normal movements
Releases the body’s natural pain killers
Accelerates the healing process

Physiotherapy - Mechanical Traction

It is a way of inducing passive motion in to the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. The patient lies face up on a bench table, which has roller-type cams beneath its surface. The rollers can slowly travel the length of the spine, stretching spinal joints. Most patients find this more of treatment to be relaxing and very helpful. The gentle rolling action is restful, excerising the spinme without effort. Since discs have a poor blood supply, they get nutrients from the circulation of fluids surrounding spinal joints. Fixations prevent this natural circulation and cause disc thinning and degeneration. Intersegmental traction helps increase and restore necessary elasticity and motion to the spine.

Patient Benefits:
Comfortable and relaxing
Increased mobility
Improved circulation of spinal fluids

Physiotherapy - Dry Hydromassage

Our wonderful hydrobeds combine floatation and thermotherapy with a dry form of whirlpool type massage. Many patients prefer dry hydromassage (DHM) over regular massage. It is that effective. When a patient is in pain, the body triggers a muscle spasm and guarding in order to splint and protect the injured body part during the acute phase of the healing process. The muscle spasm, however, often becomes the problem on its own.
When the muscles are in spasm, they partially close down drainage of venous blood and waste products from the muscle cells. This, in turn, partially blocks the inflow of arterial blood which results in decreased oxygen flow to the tissue. This causes a buildup of lactic acid and other irritating chemicals. The presence of these chemicals in the muscles causes more muscle pain, which causes more muscle spasm which increases the amount of the irritating chemicals in the tissues. This self-perpetuating cycle can go on indefinitely unless addresses with proper treatment.

The solution is proper application of massage techniques. DHM is the most effective treatment. Consider the following comments from patients: “I want to take DHM home with me. Being on DHM is like a 20 minute vacation.”

In summary, DHM increases blood supply to damaged tissues, increases drainage from soft tissues, relaxes muscles, prevents adhesion and fibrosis in soft tissues, decreases tendency for muscle atrophy and reduces pain. It is indicated in cases of arthritis, fibrositis, sprain, strain, contusion, back pain, muscle spasm, nerve injuries, neurologic disorders, nervous tension, headaches, trigger points, radiculitis and joint stiffness.

Physiotherapy - Trigger Point Therapy

A Trigger Point is an area of uncontrolled muscle tightness causing tenderness, which interferes with normal muscle function. This restricts normal range of motion, weakens the muscles and may refer pain to other parts of the body. Using the hands, the skin is gently presses, to locate underlying tight bands or nodules of muscle fibers. Then using muscle is compressed with sustained pressure to relax it. To prepare the site, a cooling spray may be used. As pressure is applied, some patients experience temporary discomfort until the muscle relaxes. Others may feel referred pain to other parts of the body. Trigger Point Therapy is a highly effective way to reduce muscle spasms and relax hyperactive muscles. This helps restore normal range of motion and promote faster healing.

Patient Benefits:
Reduced chronic muscle spasms
Avoids scar tissue formation
Improved muscle tone
Promotes better circulation
Increases range of motion

Physiotherapy - Therapeutic Massage

Massage and related bodywork techniques can release painful muscle tension, improve circulation, increase joint flexibility and reduce mental and physical fatigue. In addition, massage is among the most effective means available to combat stress. “From assembly lines to corporate headquarters, Americans are discovering the magic of massage.” Newsweek, April 6, 1998. Massage is an excellent compliment to your chiropractic care. We have experienced therapist on staff. Call for your appointment today.

Nutritional Counseling

We utilize the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) body scan to determine a patient’s body composition and, in general, overall cell health. With this information, custom nutrition protocols are designed to aid each patient in achieving their ultimate goals. These goals may include weight loss, digestive issues, fatigue, autoimmune disorders, and a myriad of other disorders.

Our protocols include liver detoxification, body cleanses, meal replacement shakes, vitamin and mineral supplementation, etc. With these products and procedures, body composition is changed, immune systems are strengthened, and cells are stabilized and returned to health.

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